Trail Running might be my next “thing”: New Shoes Are a Must!

I have been a long time inline fitness skater (that’s another story) and while skating is something I do pretty regular, I am always looking for something new, athletic and challenging to do.  How about something new like trail running? About 2 years ago, I moved to a new city and as an adult who […]

Closet Vaper Finally Calls it Quits: Stays motivated with Free Quit Vaping App

Many of us have things about ourselves we’d like to change. We want to lose weight, exercise, eat better, learn new skills, etc. Sometimes we share our “improvement goals” with the people around us because they also share the same goals. Be it the ladies in the neighborhood, the girls at work, or the other […]

Diabetic Diaries: A New Med Routine and the Broken Blood Meter 

I am a Type 2 diabetic.  And I’m not very good at being a diabetic yet, even though I’ve been one for the past 18 years.  Over the past couple of years I’ve been dealing with a lot of “life stress”.  Taking care of a sick parent, in college, working full time, moving,  COVID – […]