Closet Vaper Finally Calls it Quits: Stays motivated with Free Quit Vaping App

Many of us have things about ourselves we’d like to change. We want to lose weight, exercise, eat better, learn new skills, etc. Sometimes we share our “improvement goals” with the people around us because they also share the same goals. Be it the ladies in the neighborhood, the girls at work, or the other moms at your kid’s sporting event — it can be motivating to have people around you who share “common ground” regarding self-improvement goals. Although, sometimes, we have more private vices. You are working to change things that others around you CANNOT RELATE TO, like VAPING.

Yes, I am a Closet Vaper!! My history of smoking started in the 6th grade, and my babysitter (who was in high school) introduced me to smoking cigarettes.  

I then smoked regularly until I was in my mid 20’s, and when I got pregnant, I stopped smoking completely. I was then a non-smoker for nearly 20 years and started in my late 40s when my mom got sick. Ugh!! And now, here I am today at the age of 50. I’ve been hooked on vaping for the past 3 years. BUT NOW THAT’S CHANGING!!  

Yes, I have tried to quit vaping before. Still, there always seemed to be something that caused me to backslide, like a stressful event (either a known event or a stressful surprise) or a special occasion like a wedding or celebration – you know — an event where you can make exceptions to the rule of NO VAPING?

Recently, my boyfriend’s college-age son visited, and I found some NEW FOUND motivation to quit vaping. During his visit, while he was encouraging his dad to quit smoking, he turned him on to this new FREE QUIT VAPING APP – which means I got turned on to this mobile app too. 

It’s called Quit Vaping. It’s free, easy to use, and, well, it’s helping me stay on track with my “quit vaping goal.” Below are some of the features offered with the free version (and no – I am not getting paid to market this app. I think it’s well-designed and functional.

  1. Tracks how long you’ve been vape-free, Days, Hours, Minutes
  2. Money Saved – If money is your motivator, this app tracks how much money you save daily – and wow, do the savings add up!
  3. Remember Why You Quit – it makes you enter why you quit, so when you log into the app – this reason pops up in your face as a reminder.

4.  You Earn Badges as You Reach Goals – I just got my two weeks no-vaping badge this week!

5. Health Improvements (Stats) – Based on how long you’ve quit vaping, the app tells you what health improvements you’ve achieved with your lungs, heart, and brain health.

I’m in a season where I feel like I have a lot of willpower and motivation to QUIT VAPING — and this free quit vaping app is helping – but it’s no silver bullet. I also have to be mentally strong and watch out for “stress triggers” that could cause me to start back. If you happen to be in the same boat as me, best of luck!!!