Treat Yourself with In The Moment (ITM) Pleasures

Pleasure is a word that can be used in so many different ways and what I gathered in my research (and what I’ve determined it means to me) is pleasure “in the moment” ITM!!  So what are ITM Pleasures? Some might define them as impulsive indulgences that are all about yourself – retail therapy, dying your hair pink, sex with a stranger, ordering two deserts – but all of these examples could have regrettable consequences if you’re not careful. 


Then today, I was faced with a major work stress with a coworker.  It doesn’t really matter how the stress was caused – but itgot in my head and was all consuming.  Haveyou ever had moments like this?  Ugh!   It was literally all I could think about.  I was so worked up because I couldn’t just “quit my job” on the spot”. or do anything to make the stress disappear and since I have to go back to work again tomorrow, I needed to find ways to ease my mind with in the moment pleasure. 

Now pleasure is a tricky word and my definition of pleasure in the moment means something I have the power to do pretty quick.

NOT PLEASURE IN THE MOMENT – I was venting to a friend and they suggested things like go on a vacation, find a new job, move to Florida.  And while these things would no doubt bring pleasure, they are not things I can do right now to get pleasure in the moment.  

Now experiencing pleasure in the moment is meant to be used to continuously keep your Good Life regulated and balanced – and here are a few tips to help you stay mindful: 

ITM Pleasures don’t harm yourself or others 

ITM Pleasures in the right moderation too much vs too little

Hanging out with friends as an ITM Pleasure – this does not include “stress dumping sessions”

Make ITM Pleasures part of your daily life style – no stress required

Below are some examples of some of my ITM Pleasures.  Do note that these may not be the same for you so give some thought to what your ITM pleasures are and make a list (on a post it note that you can carry in your pocket).   However, please feel free to steal any of the ones below (smile).

Hanging out with a pet

Cuddling with your life partner

Going for a walk/hike/skate/bike ride

Going out for coffee or ice cream (change the scenery)

Eating a really nice meal

Reading a book for entertainment

Listening to your favorite song

Creating something, art, a song, a poem, story, sculpture, 

Go outside 

Join a special interest meet up and go to an event

Drive to a near by town 

Take a nap

Take a bath not a shower and pretend you’re at the spa

So if you are feeling overwhelmed or trying to prevent yourself from being overwhelmed, add ITM pleasures to your daily meditation, write them down in your journal and sprinkle them into your daily routine.