8 Tips to Keep Your Hair Happy!

Hair care is an important part of personal hygiene and beauty. Achieving healthy, strong hair doesn’t have to be complicated though – with the right knowledge and understanding of the basics, anyone can take great care of their hair. In this article, we will explore eight uncommon facts about hair care that you may not know, so you can be sure that your locks are looking and feeling their best.

1. The Hair Growth Cycle: Your hair goes through a natural cycle of growth, rest and shedding. When the hairs on your head have reached their full length and thickness, they enter into a resting phase before being shed. This is why it’s important not to over-wash your hair, as this can disrupt the natural cycle and cause thinning or breakage.

2. Hair Shedding is Normal: It’s normal to shed between 50-100 hairs per day, so don’t panic if you notice some falling out when you brush or comb your hair. Too much shedding can be caused by stress, illness or a nutrient deficiency – if you’re concerned about excessive shedding consult your doctor for advice.

3. Avoid Heat Styling: Heat styling products such as curling irons, straighteners and blow dryers can cause severe damage to the hair shafts, leading to split ends and breakage. If you must use heat styling products, always apply a protective layer such as a heat protectant spray before using them.

4. Don’t Over-Wash: Washing your hair too often can cause it to become dry and dull. Aim for every other day or even twice a week if your hair is oily.

5. Deep Condition: Deep conditioning treatments are essential for keeping your hair healthy and strong, as they replenish the natural oils that keep it hydrated and looking shiny. Apply a deep conditioner at least once a week to maintain your hair’s health.

6. Natural Oils Are Key: Natural oil such as coconut, almond and jojoba are the best way to keep your hair hydrated and looking healthy. Apply a few drops of oil directly to your scalp before shampooing to help nourish and protect it.

7. Protect From The Sun: Sun exposure can cause damage to both your skin and hair, so make sure you use a product with sun protection before going outside.

8. Regular Trims: Regular trims are essential for keeping your hair healthy and free of split ends. Aim for a trim every six to eight weeks to keep your hair looking great.

Taking good care of your hair is essential for achieving healthy, strong locks that look their best. By understanding the facts about hair care, you can make sure that your strands are getting all the nourishment and protection they need. Remember to protect it from sun exposure, avoid heat styling and use natural oils to keep it hydrated. With a little bit of knowledge and care, you’ll have healthy, beautiful hair in no time