Make Up, Insta Likes and the Latest Fashion? Dig a little Deeper with these 10 Beauty Quotes from some Great Minds!

Beauty can mean different things to different people, but these definitions offer insight into how some of history’s greatest thinkers viewed beauty in various forms..

  1. Immanuel Kant: Beauty is a form of universal agreement, an “agreement in the imaginative faculty” that everyone finds pleasure in.
  2. Plato: Beauty is what brings forth “pleasure without desire” and an appreciation for perfection.
  3. Aristotle: Beauty is composed of three elements—order, symmetry, and definiteness.


  4. Friedrich Schiller: Beauty is an expression of the moral law within a person’s soul.


  5. Thomas Aquinas: Beauty lies in the form of an object that serves to represent its purpose or function.


  6. David Hume: Beauty results from a combination of order, uniformity, and variety.


  7. Edmund Burke: Beauty is a “harmony of all the parts” that together produce an overwhelming sense of pleasure.


  8. Immanuel Kant: Beauty involves both the subjective experience of pleasure and the objective recognition of order, symmetry, and definiteness.


  9. Arthur Schopenhauer: Beauty is an expression of the will to live.


  10. Friedrich Nietzsche: Beauty is a reflection of the eternal, universal laws of nature and truth.


People think beauty is a combination of different things. This includes order, symmetry, definiteness, morality, purpose, pleasure & truth. How these things work together can create a unique experience. We can learn from philosophers & scholars to understand beauty better in our world today.