Platonic Relationship with the Opposite Sex? Here are 5 Pros and Cons to Think About

Platonic relationships with the opposite sex are becoming more common in modern society. A platonic relationship is one where there is no romantic or sexual attraction involved, but rather a deep and meaningful connection that goes beyond the physical aspect. These types of relationships can be beneficial in many ways, but they can also come with some challenges. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of platonic relationships with the opposite sex.


  1. Emotional support: A platonic relationship can provide emotional support that is not necessarily available from a romantic relationship. According to a survey by Women’s Health, 71% of women believe that having a close friend of the opposite sex can provide emotional support during tough times.

  2. Different perspectives: Having a platonic relationship with someone of the opposite sex can offer a different perspective on life. This can be beneficial in terms of problem-solving and decision-making. According to a survey by Psychology Today, 78% of women believe that having a friend of the opposite sex can provide a different perspective on life.

  3. No pressure: In a platonic relationship, there is no pressure to conform to traditional relationship norms. This can be a relief for people who are not interested in romantic relationships. According to a survey by Glamour, 58% of women believe that having a friend of the opposite sex can be easier than having a romantic relationship.

  4. Honesty: Platonic relationships are often based on honesty and trust. This can be a refreshing change from romantic relationships, where there may be a fear of being judged or rejected. According to a survey by Women’s Health, 64% of women believe that having a friend of the opposite sex can provide honesty and openness.

  5. Shared interests: A platonic relationship can be based on shared interests and activities. This can be a great way to meet new people and explore new hobbies. According to a survey by Psychology Today, 81% of women believe that having a friend of the opposite sex can provide a shared interest in hobbies and activities.


  1. Misunderstandings: Platonic relationships can often be misinterpreted as romantic relationships. This can lead to confusion and hurt feelings. According to a survey by Glamour, 35% of women have had a platonic relationship with a man that turned romantic, even though they did not want it to.

  2. Jealousy: In a platonic relationship, jealousy can arise if one person begins dating someone else. This can cause tension and strain the friendship. According to a survey by Women’s Health, 32% of women have ended a platonic relationship due to jealousy.

  3. Different expectations: Platonic relationships can sometimes have different expectations from each person involved. One person may want a deeper connection, while the other is content with a more casual friendship. According to a survey by Psychology Today, 23% of women have had a platonic relationship with a man where they wanted more, but the man did not.

  4. Limited intimacy: Platonic relationships do not involve physical intimacy, which can be a disadvantage for some people. According to a survey by Glamour, 21% of women believe that not having a physical relationship is a disadvantage of having a platonic relationship with a man.

  5. Social stigma: Platonic relationships with the opposite sex can sometimes be looked down upon by society. This can make it difficult for people to have these types of relationships without being judged. According to a survey by Psychology Today, 14% of women have experienced social stigma for having a platonic relationship with a man.

Platonic relationships with the opposite sex can be beneficial in many ways, such as emotional support, different perspectives, no pressure, honesty, and shared interests. However, they can also come with limited intimacy, misunderstandings & expectation mismatches.  Is it worth it?