No Sudden Moves – Don’t Quit your Job Today

women's heeled shoes woman walking away

I love doing a great work.  The sense of accomplishment I get after I go the extra mile on a work project that turns out awesome well…it feels awesome…my motivation comes from “knowing I can do a great job”, doing it and being able to say to myself “good job, Z!” #resumebuilding moment. 

And yes, it’s nice to receive compliments from my coworkers and the management team.

After awhile — of consistently doing a good job, of working extra hours and/or going the extra mile on a project, there comes a time when you start feeling like you deserve a a promotion or a raise or a bonus.

And while you may be a rockstar, you might not be in a work situation where they can reward you with these things — and if your workplace CANT or WONT do any of these things – here are some things you can do to manage your stress while you decide on your next move with your job situation. 



Figure out your exit strategy from your current job.  Think about the “long game”.  Get clear and real about what you want your next role to be.  You might not be ready for a promotion yet, but you still might need to change jobs in the future if their aren’t any growth opportunities where you are.  #becalculated when looking for your next job – don’t just jump ship.  The goal is to get more of the right experience so you can advance…so you might have to work another year somewhere else in the same role for people to see what you can do – and see all that extra experience you’ve gained.  Be real with yourself and keep grinding.



Volunteer for “stretch assignments” at work.  This would be learning how to do things outside of your current job.  So maybe it’s helping your manager with a managerial task, or volunteering to work on special assignments.  DO NOT SLACK on what you were hired to do!! These are “extra credit” assignments and if stop doing what you were hired to do you could get fired or in trouble —- and it won’t matter that you are doing a kick ass job on the extra credit assignments.   Extra credit is to help you get experience — for your next job!  


Accept the reality of the job and get your emotions in check.  The situation is not going to change over night and your work environment won’t either – don’t expect it to.  It is what it is.  Wrap your head around that so you can get a game plan together regarding your job.


Stop saying yes so much to do extra things at work.  Dial back your energy and go the extra mile attitude. Not all the way, but enough to make you feel like you aren’t working harder than everyone else.   Use that extra energy to take a class/learn new skills that will help you in your next job.


Check yourself on why you are staying at your job.  Yes money, to support yourself/your fam — but you might need to stay because the job market is bad.  Or maybe you need extra experience so at your next job you can ask for more money.  Remind yourself of this so you don’t do anything impulsive. 


Remind yourself of your current work situation. Prepare your mind to do what you need to do to get successfully through the work day.  And give yourself time to work on your long term game plan..WRITE IT DOWN and let it evolve.  

And finally, add a  “my job” meditation moment to your daily routine.You got this, busy girl!!