No Sudden Moves – Don’t Quit your Job Today

women's heeled shoes woman walking away

I love doing a great work.  The sense of accomplishment I get after I go the extra mile on a work project that turns out awesome well…it feels awesome…my motivation comes from “knowing I can do a great job”, doing it and being able to say to myself “good job, Z!” #resumebuilding moment.  And yes, it’s […]

My Head is about to pop off! 5 changes I can make to Reduce My Stress

Meditating pretty business woman

Today I was talking with a friend completely overwhelmed running their small business.  They are wearing too many hats trying to do everything.  Sales, Sales Operations, Strategic Planning, Forecasting, etc.  Wow!  That’s a lot for one person to have on their plate. I talked to another friend who takes care of her mom part time […]

‘Til Death Do Us Part: The New Iphone “Digital Legacy” Feature

Real talk, I am a geek girl at heart who likes to know cool things. I play games on my phone, love science & sci-fi & have worked in the IT space for over 20+ years. One of my career responsibilities is to provide customers with information about the available features in our software products. […]

Trail Running might be my next “thing”: New Shoes Are a Must!

I have been a long time inline fitness skater (that’s another story) and while skating is something I do pretty regular, I am always looking for something new, athletic and challenging to do.  How about something new like trail running? About 2 years ago, I moved to a new city and as an adult who […]

Diabetic Diaries: A New Med Routine and the Broken Blood Meter 

I am a Type 2 diabetic.  And I’m not very good at being a diabetic yet, even though I’ve been one for the past 18 years.  Over the past couple of years I’ve been dealing with a lot of “life stress”.  Taking care of a sick parent, in college, working full time, moving,  COVID – […]