Feeling the Flow: Creativity is more than just an Outlet

As part of the Good Life Model, having a creative outlet brings a whole host of benefits that may not be obvious at first.  When I started researching this topic, my initial thoughts were – this is about music, art, writing, stuff like that.  But as I dove into this topic, I realized creativity can […]

Volunteering: Give Back, Hang Out & Feel Good

IMO, volunteering is a great way to hit on a number of different areas of the Good Life Model.  I’ve put this article in the Community area however, volunteering can also feed areas such as relatedness, creativity, knowledge, etc.  depending on the type of volunteering you do.   The Benefits of Volunteering (Giving Back) Kind People […]

Easy Vibes at the Pokeno Social Club

In my commitment to lead a more balanced life, I am grateful for my Monthly Pokeno night!  I say my, but actually I was lucky enough to get invited by one of my neighbors to a pre-existing monthly event.   So what is Pokeno? Well, before I get into that, I want to say how awesome […]

Treat Yourself with In The Moment (ITM) Pleasures

Pleasure is a word that can be used in so many different ways and what I gathered in my research (and what I’ve determined it means to me) is pleasure “in the moment” ITM!!  So what are ITM Pleasures? Some might define them as impulsive indulgences that are all about yourself – retail therapy, dying […]

4 Ways to Meet New People When you Work Remote & Move to a New City:

young woman sitting inside open box

When I relocated to a new city, I realized I would have to put some work into creating a new social network outside of the online bubble. Such is the case for anyone relocating and working crazy hours and/or in a remote job.  Moving itself is pretty much a “non-impactful” event in respect to a […]

Don’t swing on your man – LOVE YOURSELF!

girl blowing kiss in mirror

I saw a video online today of a woman taking swings on her boyfriend in an elevator.  Who knows what sparked that fight.  She was clearly emotionally out of control and upset about something.  Maybe he was cheating or lying, maybe he was putting her down.  The point is women SHOULD NOT SWING ON OR […]